A Comparative Study of Local Government Efficiency at Service Delivery in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gisenyi, Rwanda


Bishogo, Colette. 2016. “A Comparative Study of Local Government Efficiency at Service Delivery in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gisenyi, Rwanda.” WCFIA Undergraduate Thesis Conference. Cambridge, MA: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. Copy at http://www.tinyurl.com/ylsww4by

Date Presented:

February 5


What explanation can be used to account for difference in the performance of local governments? In Goma and Gisenyi, the shared border is crossed by thousands of Congolese and Rwandans daily, either for work, education, or leisure. The two cities have similar precolonial histories as well as a more recent history marked by civil war. Additionally, the common language of Swahili and French is spoken in both places which facilitates communication between the two nations. Faced with these commonalities, why are public services delivered better in Gisenyi than Goma? The Gisenyi local government is more efficient than the Goma government because of institutional structures that are conducive to good outcomes. These are a systematic method of tax collection, city project planning and implementation, as well as procedures for holding the government accountable to the populace. Nonetheless, in Goma, the government is unable to adequately allocate its revenues from taxes, government projects are not properly implemented, and officials are not held accountable.

See also: 2016
Last updated on 02/01/2016